New York cyclist yells 30-second time-out for dangerous driver; A bicycle thief removes a window to loot the apartment’s storage; Cycling football ?; Chris Boardman Prepares For Cop26 + More On Live Blog



This one is from last week, but too good not to be shared. The pettiness of it all, counting hard and proud, delaying his own trip, topped off with the happy “have a good day” … wonderful. There is almost certainly a serious motive behind cyclists needing to protect themselves from serious injuries on the road, but we’ll just take this for the theatrical value …

Dan Miller acknowledged this display of road karma, explaining, “Hey, that was actually me. So just before the video started, I was driving down the bike path, with the car to my left. The car, either not knowing I was there or not caring, I turned right straight into my path and had to block the breaks.It was dangerous and crappy driving.

“I screamed and yelled and we both had to stop. At that point I decided he should face the consequences, so he got a thirty second downtime.”

His efforts did not go unrewarded either. Bike Lane Uprising, the app that makes it easy for cyclists to report drivers parked on bike lanes, has a new hero …


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